The Paint Synthesizer

Auto • Assisted • Manual Painting

Examples of One-Click Automatic Art Created by Studio Artist

The Paint Synthesizer

Intelligent Painting and Drawing

With Studio Artist’s Paint Engine

Auto – Assisted – Manual

Studio Artist uses artificial intelligence to automatically paint, draw and rotoscope. Studio Artist examines a source image or video and then re-renders from scratch in the style you choose either automatically or interactively with just two easy steps:


Choose an Automatic Preset and Click Action


Or choose an Assisted Paint preset and let Studio Artist help guide your drawing and painting.  Or you can manually paint or draw with a Wacom tablet using Studio Artist’s intelligent Paint Engine.

1000’s of Presets

Studio Artist includes thousands of professionally designed presets to get you started as well as an extensive editor so you can tweak the factory presets or create your own or let Studio Artist’s Intelligent Assistant create presets for you.


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