New Features in Studio Artist 5.5

New Ways of Creating

Studio Artist 5.5 Logo

Enhanced AI

The new features in Studio Artist 5.5 allow for a extensive range of potential visual styles and effects that will take your digital artwork to a whole new level.

We are laying the foundations in v5.5 to totally re-conceive what a digital art and video processing app is all about.  It’s time to move into the future of digital art and video processing and we welcome you to join us in this exciting journey.

Current Version of Studio Artist is 5.5.5

We will be rolling out tons of new training videos on all these and future features.

New Architecture

  • Unified 64 bit architecture on Mac and Windows

    No longer needs Quicktime API for movie file IO

    Compatible with OSX – Mojave through Sonoma – M1-M2-M3 Compatible

    Windows 7* Through 11

    (*still art only on Windows 7)

  • New Internal Application Framework Under the Hood

    Will allow Studio Artist to keep running for years to come
    Supports new Platform Features

  • Examples

    Dark Mode on Mac
    Includes Cross-Platform 64-bit Video Engine

Gallery Show Pro


  • Gallery Show Pro

    • Gallery Show Pro can generate endless Artwork and/or presets for you automatically and has been vastly expanded with Studio Artist 5.5
    • We are still discovering what it can do ourselves
    • In addition, as we continue to expand the capabilities, we will be passing them on in 5.5 updates
  • Greatly Expanded AI Capabilties

    • Fully automatic art image and/or preset generation.  Define your artistic strategy, then sit back, grab some coffee or a glass of wine, watch Studio Artist build your personal art portfolio.
    • Let Studio Artist start the creative process for you by generating hundreds or thousands of images.  Choose the ones you love and then tweak them to your hearts content.
    • The Ultimate NFT dream machine.
  • Extensive Generative Paint Preference Options

    Now over 3 billion unique Generative Paint preference combinations and more to come in future updates

  • New Gallery Show Pro Toolbar

    Lets you control Gallery Show with an easy to use toolbar in the main interface

  • Automatic Intelligent Selection Masking

    Gallery Show Pro builds Generative Smart Selection Masking effects for you

  • Generative Color Palette and Color Gradient Options

    Gallery Show dynamically builds coloring effects from scratch, or based on the current source or style

  • Human Visual Modeling Core Enhancements

    • New Visual Attribute Models include
    • Facial Feature Detection
    • Positive/Negative Space
    • Optical Flow

Integrated Generative Features

  • Integrated Generative Features into the High Level Working Interface

    M button auto mutate for Current Preset Category
    Build new constrained mutated presets on-the-fly while working

  • Generative Intelligent Selection Masks

    Try out stylized selection mask effects on-the-fly while working

  • Generative Paint Preference

    Live edit the Paint Synthesizer or just paint the canvas with ever changing constrained generative edits

  • New Power Tool Bar

    Easy way to access above functionality
    More Powertool Features coming in Future Developments

New Style Mode

Extending the notion of a ‘Source’ for Digital Art and Video Generation

  • New Load Style Features

    Besides having a Source Image you can now Load Style Images greatly enhancing the range of Studio Artist visual effects

  • New Style Options

    You can load style Images or a Folder of Style Images

  • Style Data Augmentation

    Source and style ‘data augmentation’ Features
    Style Visual Attribute Modulation now available Throughout the Studio Artist Interface

Quick Editing Options

  • Quick Edit Commands

    High level conceptual editing of presets without having to use the Editor to manually edit individual settings

  • AI Generative Editing

    AI Generative Features can automatically build new presets for you

Image Generation Modes

Expanded Internal Effect Modules

  • Paint Synthesizer

    • Over 630 Adjustable Parameters control the look and interactive feel of digital paint tools
    • Preset Embedding
    • IpOp, Vectorizer, and MSG presets can be embedded into a single paint preset infinitely extending the range of potential paint effects
    • QuickEdit commands make editing easier
    • New Vector wet paint effects
    • New Style and Image Folder Background Texture capabilities
    • Many new Internal Modulation Options greatly increase the range of stylistic potential
  • The Vectorizer

    • New Draw Setup, Draw Apply Control Panel make editing easier
    • QuickEdit commands make editing easier
    • Many new internal modulation options greatly increase the range of potential stylistic effects
    • Vectorizer is now a powerful abstract vector art generator
  • Image and Temporal Operations

    • Optical Flow (effects and modulation options)
    • Style modulation options
  • MSG - Modular Synthesized Graphics

    • Automatic Keyframe Animation
    • New processors , new adjustable internal parameters in processors
    • Over 600 processors available
    • Can be combined together to build generative effects or image processing effects
  • Dual Paint Mode

    • Vectorizer can now be powerfully combined with Dual Paint Operation
    • Automatic Procedural Modulation Options provide an alternative to key-framed parameter interpolation for building dynamic visual effects

More Awesomeness

  • Transition Context Action Steps

    • Allow for Automatic Intelligent Interpolation Effects derived off of key-framed image or movie files
    • Key-framing can be manual or virtual (sub-nest or expand)
  • Embedded Bezier Paint Actions

    • Studio Artist auto-drawing can be automatically recorded and then encapsulated in a single paint action step
    • Keyframes allow for automatic paint transition effects derived off of the dynamic movement of bezier paths over time
    • Bezier paths can be derived from the Paint Synthesizer, IpOp, Vectorizer, MSG
  • Tons of New and Improved Presets

    • Lots of new presets incorporating the style image
    • Online Movie Examples of Factory Presets