Auto Generation Grid Mosaic Styles

We’ve previously discussed how to program the paint synthesizer to generate grid tiling paint presets, and how to hand paint 50% size reduced grid tiling movie brush presets to hand paint additional detail in a photo mosaic that properly nests the tiled sub blocks. But sometimes you might not want to put in all that…

Hand Painting in Mosaics

Hand Painting Nested Sub-Blocks to Build Detail in a Regular Grid Photo Mosaic. This post continues our discussion started yesterday about a particular paint synthesizer approach to generating a traditional photo mosaic rectangular grid. Yesterday we discussed how to modify Path Application control panel settings to setup a regular grid tiling that sub nests with…

Mosaic Grid Tiling Options

Studio Artist provides a large number of different approaches to use when building photo mosaic effects (representing a larger image with a collection of smaller images). Many of the photo mosaic feature options available to you allow for much more visually interesting adaptive mosaic block placement that a traditional grid arrangement of rectangular sub image…