Temporal Difference and Difference1 Processing

Someone recently asked me some questions about the Temporal Difference1 effect, which is a relatively new temporal image processing effect in Studio Artist 4.03 that was added after the initial 4.0 release and is not documented in the User Guide pdf. This post will discuss the Temporal Difference1 effect, and contrast it to the much…

Live Video Slit Scan Effects

  In the last 2 posts we’ve been discussing how to generate a vast array of different artistic slit scan effects in Studio Artist by processing a source movie file with temporal image operation effects. However, you can also generate live video processing slit scan effects in real time using your Mac’s built in iSight…

Adjusting Slit Scan Effects- Scan Direction

  Studio Artist provides a number of different fully automatic Temporal Image Processing effects that can be adjusted to build a wide range of artistic slit scan effects that process a set of video frames into a static 2D image. These temporal effects include the Temporal Scan Tracker as well as the Temporal Slit Scan…