Simulating a Canvas Texture via the Simple Texture Ip Op

There’s are many different approaches you can take to simulate paint effects on lighted textural surfaces and there are several presets in the the Paint Synthesizer that have really nice canvas texture effects. Today’s post starts to break apart a PASeq preset that uses the Simple Texture image operation effect to build an artificial canvas…

Recursive Modulation in the Texture Synthesizer

The Texture Synthesizer is an older Studio Artist operation mode that can be used to generate procedural texture fields and texture based effects. While it is superseded to some extent by MSG these days, there are still lots of interesting visual effects you can generate with it. The Texture Synthesizer is designed so that the…

Petroglyph Abstraction Effect

A recent discussion on the Studio Artist User Forum about building paint action sequence (PASeq) presets to simulate brown weathered paper inspired me to put together a petroglyph simulation this afternoon. I’ll detail how I built the petroglyph effect in this post.