Vectorizer Wet Drip Animation
The following image is a frame capture from a processed movie file. This post will explore how the wet dripping vectorizer animation was generated.
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The following image is a frame capture from a processed movie file. This post will explore how the wet dripping vectorizer animation was generated.
Many of the visual processing effects generated by the vectorizer generate flat color region representations. Studio Artist allows for the vectorizer color regions to be filled with color gradients as opposed to just flat color fills. However, you can also use the vectorizer in conjunction with the paint synthesizer, where the vectorizer generates a…
This post will delve into the 2 steps used to build the following stylistic effect. The image was generated by a combination of a custom MSG preset and the Vectorizer.
The first image in the following gallery shows off a circular block print effect. This post will discuss how the effect was put together. We’ll also take a look at a cool trick used in the effect that allows you to convert raster image processing effects that generate solid color regions with hard aliased edges…
This post details a simple paint action sequence (PASeq) I was playing around with to generate a stylized cartoon effect for some movie processing. The Smart Contrast image operation is used to help add some additional source feature detail into the stylized vector cartoon effect.