Using MSG to Build a Warping Attractor

The previous post showed how to use the PushPull interactive warp operation to add a warping pull-in attractor to a generative paint animation. MSG presets are another approach you can take to create warp effects that pull in (attractors) or pull out (repulsers). This post will discuss how to build a simple MSG preset that…

Adding a Pull-In Attractor to a Time Particle Paint Animation

The following two images are frame captures from 2 different generative paint animation. The paint animations are based on the same paint action sequence (PASeq) that combines some image operations, interactive warps, and auto painting time particles to build a wispy abstract paint animation. The first animation frame capture is using an interactive warp PushPull…

Breaking Symmetry in Kaleidoscopic Effects

We’ve recently been discussing different approaches to building kaleidoscopic effects in Studio Artist. Two days ago we discussed symmetry vs breaking symmetry, and how breaking symmetry can lead to more organic looking effects that still maintain some of the perceptual trigger aspects introduced by symmetry in visual imagery. Today’s post will continue this discussion by…