Randomized Hue Abstraction Sketch
The following image is a hue randomized abstraction sketch effect, consisting of randomized color shapes with an overlaid black sketch effect. This post will discuss how the abstraction effect was put together.
The following image is a hue randomized abstraction sketch effect, consisting of randomized color shapes with an overlaid black sketch effect. This post will discuss how the abstraction effect was put together.
Today’ post continues the custom palette colorization thread we’ve been developing over the last 2 days worth of posts. We started out by showing how you could automatically generate a custom color palette from an image or painting you liked the color aesthetics of, and then use it to remap another image or movie to…
Today’s post picks up where yesterday’s left off. Yesterday we discussed how to auto-extract a custom color palette from a source image we liked the color appearance of, and then use the custom color palette to re-colorize a different source image or movie file to try and replicate the original color feel of the image…
Yesterday we briefly discussed auto-generating color palettes from specific images, and mentioned that one use for this feature is to re-colorize images or movie frames to match the color aesthetics or mood of a particular image or painting you like the color aesthetics of. This post will discuss the methodology of how to do re-colorization…
There was a question asked recently on the user forum concerning building up a simple color gradient like the one shown above in the Source Area. This post will look at this task in detail, explaining why you are better off using a manual approach as opposed to an automatic one for this kind of…