Colorizing a Flat Color MSG Edge Abstraction

Yesterday we showed how to build a float sum area MSG preset that generates a resolution independent color source edge abstraction effect.  Today we’ll show how to colorize yesterdays’s flat color edge effect. We’ll also add some symmetry translation warping to the colorized edge abstraction to create the finished effect shown above.

Soft Abstraction Effect

  The following imageshows a soft abstraction effect I was recently playing around with. We used the output of this effect in yesterday’s post on tiling as our initial starting canvas. Today’s post will detail how I created this particular soft abstraction effect. It’s created with a combination of the paint synthesizer and some interactive…

Simulating Video Feedback

  One cool thing you can do with Studio Artist is simulate video feedback. In the analog world you would generate video feedback by pointing a live video camera at a monitor displaying the output of the live video camera feed. You can generate all kinds of different warp and texture synthesis imagery depending on…