Temporal Difference and Difference1 Processing

Someone recently asked me some questions about the Temporal Difference1 effect, which is a relatively new temporal image processing effect in Studio Artist 4.03 that was added after the initial 4.0 release and is not documented in the User Guide pdf. This post will discuss the Temporal Difference1 effect, and contrast it to the much…

Process Movie Tutorials: Example 2

Today’s post continues our  look back at the old Process Movie Tutorials that we started with yesterday’s post. If you have not read yesterday’s post, please read it before continuing. Today’s example will again show off the differences between building a paint action sequence (PASeq) that erases to white and then paints each frame, vs…

Paint Regionization

FineTuning Paint Regionization Effects The Studio Artist paint synthesizer is capable of creating an extremely wide range of different paint styles. This post is going to focus on discussing some editing techniques you can use to fine tune the appearance of Path Start Regionization painting effects.Path Start Regionization is an intelligent process where Studio Artist…