Simulating a Canvas Texture via the Simple Texture Ip Op

There’s are many different approaches you can take to simulate paint effects on lighted textural surfaces and there are several presets in the the Paint Synthesizer that have really nice canvas texture effects. Today’s post starts to break apart a PASeq preset that uses the Simple Texture image operation effect to build an artificial canvas…

Convex Hull Border Treatment Effect

Border effects can be a very effective finishing treatment for a painting or other artistic visual effect. You can configure the paint synthesizer to create a wide variety of different border effects (check out the Borders category for some examples). But you can also use different image processing effects to provide different aesthetic treatments to…

Exploring the Rank MultiScale Filter via Mutating Presets

Yesterday we showed off how to configure the Rank MultiScale Filter image operation effect to build an intelligent smoothing filter that smooths an image while retaining sharp edges. We mentioned in yesterday’s post that like all Studio Artist image operation effects, by adjusting their editable parameters you can dramatically change the type of visual effect…