Use this collection in the Temporal Image Operations shows in the image below to create still images from movies.
You will need to load a source movie to work with these. However a regular movie is probably not going to give the desired results for still images. We suggest you create a movie from a folder of images. The image above was made with a folder of images that had already been effected by Studio Artist and there is a wide variety of different images. You can experiment with what works best for you.
1 Create a folder of images
2 Record a PASeq with the 1 step of dragging the source into the canvas.
3. Action > Process with a PASeq > Image to Movie
4 Choose your Folder of Images
5 Name Your Movie
6 Output the movie
7 Load your new Movie into the Source (Canvas > New Source or drag the movie to the source area)
Then choose one of the presets and click action.
Tip: The ones that have compositing will need an image in the canvas in order to work, also if you don’t see something happening in the canvas move to a frame further in the movie by using the up down arrows next to the transport. So for instance if the setting in the editor is set for reverse and your transport is on frame 1, nothing will happen because there are no frames to reverse to from frame 1.
Every temporal preset has an editor so we strongly encourage you to play around with the settings in the editor.