Directed Evolution of Simple MSG Vector Shapes

  In a previous post we showed how to build a simple MSG preset that stacked a 3C Abstract11 CP processor to overlay simple arrow-like vector shapes to build an abstract procedural image. In this post we will expand on what we built on by hand, using the Evolution Editor and directed evolution to build…

Using Paint Synthesizer Evolution to Build New DualMode Paint Effects

The image below was generated by working with the Paint Synthesizer Evolution help commands. But rather than running the Paint Synthesizer, I was running action painting in DualMode Paint operation mode. So, you can use the Paint Synthesizer Evolution Patch Memories and evolution commands to dynamically evolve new DualMode Paint presets in real time in…

Exploring the Rank MultiScale Filter via Mutating Presets

Yesterday we showed off how to configure the Rank MultiScale Filter image operation effect to build an intelligent smoothing filter that smooths an image while retaining sharp edges. We mentioned in yesterday’s post that like all Studio Artist image operation effects, by adjusting their editable parameters you can dramatically change the type of visual effect…

Swap Evolving a Fixed MSG IO Routing Configuration

 Today’s post started with the MSG preset we hand built in yesterday’s post that generated an abstract image based on combining together 3 1C Truchet FlipMod processors and a 3C Truchet Mod1 CP processor to build up an overlaid abstract patterning image. I then worked with the Evolution Editor, using the Swap control button in…