Today’s post will rework the truchet patterning idea discussed in yesterday’s post. We’ll use MSG processors that generate color patterning based off of color palette streams, as opposed to generating a grayscale patterning grid that is then colorized. The truchet patterns are still being modulated by a source image, but since the global colors in the generated pattern overlays are colored via random sampling of color palette streams as opposed to being colorized directly off of the local source image colors, the resulting final image is much more abstract. The source image influences the patterning by modulating the truchet grid, but the end result is variability in an abstract image as opposed to something being recognizably representational of the source image.
As we have mentioned before, MSG naming conventions use 1C to refer to 1 channel input/output processors,and 3C to refer to 3 channel input and output color processors or full color pattern or texture generators. In yesterday’s post we used to 1C Truchet Flip Mod processors that were stacked to overlay 2 different adaptive truchet modulated patternings, where the modulation was based on the source image green image channel stream.
Today, we will take a different approach to building a similar MSG preset, one that directly generates full color patterned output. The image gallery below shows how we constructed our new MSG preset, based on the original approach used yesterday, but using 3C Truchet Flip Mod processors instead of 1C Truchet Flip Mod processors.