Yesterday’s post described how to build a custom movie brush from a personal collection of images. With the ultimate goal of using the movie brush to build a photo mosaic effect in the paint synthesizer. But there are other applications of a custom movie file composed of a disparate set of individual images, like stack filtering. Today’s post will describe how to use temporal image processing effects to build artistic stack filtering effects from your custom movie brush files.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I photographed 2 different sets of images in my quest for building some custom movie brushes. The first was a collection of individual photos of boulders at the beach, which we used for yesterday’s photo mosaic effect. But I also photographed a collection of different driftwood photos. We’ll be using the driftwood photos for the movie brush used for today’s stack filtering effect (shown above).
The paint action sequence (PASeq) used to create the image above is shown below.
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