Using Self-Tiling Behavior to Build a Movie Background Texture Hatching Preset

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Note that my animation sequence is setup to run for 150 frames. I used an open movie stream with an Enable Write on PASeq Cycle frame write flag turned on (while running Animate in the PASeq palette) to generate my movie file. I could have also used the Action : Animate with Paint Action Sequence : to Movie menu command to generate the self-tiling patterned movie file.

Note in the gallery above that i’m painting a single circular paint path for each frame in the generated movie file. As discussed in yesterday’s post, the Wrap Path at Edge parameter in the Path End control panel is turned On to generate self-tiling patterns in the canvas from the automatic painting.

I initially generated a 512×512 canvas size for my original movie output. You can see the generated original movie here.

I wanted to use a smaller movie size for the actual hatching paint preset. So I loaded the original movie as a sourc emovie, and then used the PASeq below with a 128×218 pixel canvas size and the Action : Process with Paint Action Sequence : Source to Movie menu command to generate a smaller 128×128 pixel frame size version of the hatching movie file.

This smaller movie file was then loaded into the paint synthesizer using the File : Paint Synthesizer : New Background Texture menu command.

The Background Texture Type needs to be the Movie Pixel Index option for this effect to be pixel accurate. I modified the existing factory preset named Default : General : Circle Hatcher1 to use my custom movie pixel index background texture. I did this since it’s built using the same ideas discussed in this post, so it’s easy to modify it with your own hatching patterns in your own custom movie brush.

For more information on this approach to building custom hatching patterns for your custom paint presets with the movie pixel indexed background texture feature of the paint synthesizer, check out this tip.

Category: Painting and Paint Synthesizer
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