Mixing Vectorizer Effects into an Image Ex2

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The 3rd gallery image above shows the output of the simple vectorizer flat color region abstraction effect we initially used to process the source photo. The remaining action steps in the PASeq act both to enhance the abstracted vectorizer canvas, as well as add back in high frequency edge information from the original source photo. So we’re working to add source edge and high frequency detail back into the vectorizer abstraction to create the final effect.

Note that i’m using the Blur image operation effect to do both of these different actions (sharpen the canvas and add source detail back into an abstracted canvas). The Blur ip op is deceptive, because when you first look at it it seems like a limited effect (one that just blurs the canvas or source image). But by working with the different editable parameters associated with the effect, in combination with different Composite settings (and by using the current layer or the source as the input to the effect, you are capable of creating a wide variety of different kinds of effects (like sharpening or contrast adjustments or source edge detail insertion), in addition to just blurring an image.

The PASeq preset used for the above effect is available  Vectorizer.paseq   If you look at the individual parameter settings for the different action steps that use the Blur ip op you can see how i’m using this effect in different ways to sharpen the canvas as well as add back high frequency source edge information into the abstracted canvas.

Category: Vectorizer
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