Studio Artist allows for some amazing effects that involve processing multiple video frames using the temporal image operation effects. You can smear time, generate slit scan effects, create panorama images, and much much more.
The image above was created by processing a 171 frame video sequence using the Temporal Difference Matte effect. The Temporal Difference Matte is one of many different temporal image processing effects available in Studio Artist 4. Temporal means that the image processing effects are time based, and involve processing multiple movie frames taken at different frame times to generate a single output image. You can use temporal image operation effects to generate a single static image, or to generate processed movie file output. In either case, a movie file needs to be loaded into the Studio Artist source area.
The image below shows the Temporal Difference Matte controls used to generate the effect shown at the top of this post. The Symmetry control determines where input frames are grabbed from in reference to the current source area frame time (which is positioned at frame 1). I picked the Forward option because I wanted the effect to use frames moving forward from the current frame 1 position.
A stunning and evocative process . Wow.